About Leanhood

Welcome, I’m Goran Nastov

Leanhood is my web space where I expose my opinion on matters in product development, software engineering practices, modularization, teams oragnisation …

I have more then 13 years of professional expirience in the software industry as Solution Architect, Team Lead, Consultant, Software Engineer … Actually the first programming steps I made when I was ten years old, writing QBasic programs on the very popular Commodore 64.

My last projects include:

  • Solution and implementation of localization support for eCommerce system with more then one billion turnover
  • Transformation of legacy CMS into modular, scalable and modern system. Serving 3 brands, more then 40 sites in 30 different countries, supporting hundreds of authors.

With my guidance in concept, solution design, teams coordination, implementation and operation of the software.

Since 2013 I’m living in Munich with my beautiful familiy.